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10 Ide Nyeleneh Orang Perbaiki Barang Rusak Ini Bikin Kita Enggak Habis Pikir

Saat barang rusak, sebagian orang mungkin menggantinya dengan barang baru. Tapi tak sedikit orang memilih untuk memperbaiki barang rusak bagaimanapun caranya.

Ya kadang ada ide tak terduga yang muncul di kepala kita saat mengerjakan sesuatu, seperti halnya memperbaiki barang rusak. Mulai dari menggunakan barang aneh, sampai diubah menjadi barang tak terduga.
Dirangkum dari berbagai sumber berikut ini merupakan ide kocak orang-orang saat betulin barang. Ada yang kreatif, ada pula yang bikjin tepuk jidat.

1. Gak kesampaian jadi nahkoda kapal

2. Bisa sambil gowes

3. Yang penting bisa duduk

4. Kok kepikiran ya?

5. Kreatif idenya...

6. Standar motor gaya ceker ayam

7. Sayang kalau dibuang

8. Sepeda VVIP

9. Cukur pakai garpu

10. Knalpot go green



Understanding Insurance

In Indonesia, the term insurance term is often used, both terms seem to follow the terms in Dutch, namely assurantie (insurance) and verzekering (coverage). Indeed insurance in Indonesia originated in the Netherlands. In England, the terms insurance and assurance are used which have the same meaning. The term insurance is used for loss insurance while the term uuurance is used for life insurance.

Based on Radiks Purba, the notion of insurance in terms of economic understanding is insurance is a financial institution because through insurance can be collected a large fund, which can finance development in addition to benefiting the people who participate in the insurance business, because insurance is actually intended to provide protection (protection ) for financial losses caused by unexpected events. (1992: 40).

According to Article 246 of the Commercial Law (KUHD), Insurance has the following meanings: Insurance or coverage is an agreement, where the insurer loses himself to the insured, by obtaining a premium, to compensate for losses due to loss or not to obtain an expected profit , which can be suffered because of an unknown event beforehand.

Definition of Insurance according to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 1992: "Insurance or Coverage is an agreement between two or more parties, whereby the insurer binds itself to the insured by receiving insurance premiums, to provide compensation to the insured due to loss, damage or loss of profit expected, or legal liability to third parties that may be suffered by the insured, arising from an uncertain event, or to provide a payment based on the death or life of an insured person.

Types of Insurance

Insurance is divided into several types including:

Two main branches of freight insurance, namely:

1. Sea Freight Insurance.

2. Land Transportation Insurance.

Fire insurance is an insurance whose purpose is to protect from fire hazards.

Credit Insurance, Types of credit insurance, namely:

l. Trade Receivable Insurance.

2. Deposit Insurance.

3. Loan Credit Insurance.

4. Bond Insurance.

5. International business warranty insurance.

6. Domestic Merchandise Credit Insurance.

Health Insurance, The purpose of health insurance is to pay hospital fees

treatment and compensating for the insured's loss of loss of income due to injury due to an accident or illness.

Social Insurance is a tool to collect risk by moving it to an organization that is usually a government organization, which is required by law to provide financial benefits or services to or on behalf of the insured people at certain times when certain losses occur.


Liability Insurance.

Liability insurance is insurance to protect the insured against losses arising from third party claims due to the insured's negligence.

Car insurance.

Car insurance is an insurance that is used to protect a car due to an accident or loss.


Reinsurance is an insurance contract where an insurance company moves all or part of the risk to another company. The main purpose of an insurance company that removes the risk is to protect itself against losses in certain cases that exceed certain amounts.

Definition of Life Insurance

According to J. Tinggi Sianipar (1990: 5), the definition of insurance can be seen from an economic point of view is a way of transferring risk from someone to another person. With the transfer of risk through insurance institutions, if there are losses in the future suffered by someone due to the risk it faces, then the intended loss can be transferred to someone else, namely to whom he has transferred the risk, so the complete definition of insurance is a contract agreement between the insurer and the insured in the agreement where the insurer promises to replace any losses suffered by the guarantor due to a risk mentioned in the agreement, which risk is not known or has not occurred at the time the agreement was held (uncertain). For willingness

the guarantor gives a replacement as mentioned above, he receives a relatively small amount of money called premium.

Purpose of Life Insurance

1. Guarantee the estate from which heirs can earn if

the head of the family dies.

2. To save money as part of the estate of someone's life that is held for future income.

The first goal is called protection or protection while the second is called savings needs.

Life Insurance Principles

In principle Life insurance is a form of cooperation between people who want to avoid or minimally reduce the risk caused by:

a) Risk of death.

b) Risk of old age.

c) Risk of accidents.

Life Insurance Products

Life insurance products are basically three:

1. Term Life Insurance (Term Life)

This insurance is a type of life insurance where we pay a certain amount of money to an insurance company, and the company will protect us for a certain period of time from the risk of death. If there is a risk during this period, our heirs will receive the sum insured. If the time period is finished and

there is no risk then the contract is completed and we will not get anything.

2. Dwi Guna Life Insurance (Endowment Life)

This type of insurance is almost the same as term life insurance, the only difference is in the end of insurance if there is no risk to us, we will still get money


3. Life Insurance for Whole Life.

This insurance is the same as Dwi Guna Insurance, but the difference is the period of time for life. This means that we are protected forever (or until the age of 99)


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